Frequently Asked Questions
About Acupuncture
What is the difference between dry needling and Acupuncture?
The only thing that Dry needling and Acupuncture share in common, is the use of needles. Acupuncture is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and can be used to treat many internal health concerns, whilst Dry needling is purely musculoskeletal therapy that treats muscular aches and pains only.
Can I get Acupuncture if I am taking medication?
In most cases yes! Before any treatment, you will be assessed by your practitioner to determine what treatment suits best and if there are any precautions needed.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Generally, Acupuncture does not hurt. Occasionally, you may get some sensations from needles being inserted and this can range from mild to strong. Your Acupuncturist will constantly check with you during the treatment and if at any point you are feeling uncomfortable, the needle can be removed.
What if I have a fear of needles?
Fear of needles is quite common. If you generally have a phobia, then be sure to mention this to your practitioner. There is always another way.
Are there any side effects?
Acupuncture is quite safe. There are some precautions as there is with any profession, however, in the hands of a skilled practitioner, it is very safe, be sure your Acupuncturists is a qualified practitioner.
About Remedial Massage
What is the difference between Remedial Massage and Relaxation Massage?
Remedial Massage is the application of a variety of techniques seeking to apply a remedy on a specific muscle problem including muscle tension, restricted movements and chronic pain; while Relaxation Massage aims to provide a generic relaxation to rejuvenate the body and mind.
Can I have massage and acupuncture together or in the same day?
Your therapist may combine massage and acupuncture together. But it is always best to discuss this with your practitioner if you are planning on receiving treatment from different modalities from different practitioners.
About Cupping
Will I get bruised after cupping?
Technically, cupping marks are not bruises. They are generally called cupping marks. Bruises are formed via trauma from a blow or crushing. Everyone is different, and depending what condition you are being treated for, marks are usually common.
Is cupping dangerous?
Cupping is generally not considered dangerous. It will usually leave a mark. Like any treatment, if you have any questions, always ask your practitioner. A qualified practitioner will know when cupping is not recommended during treatment.
About Our Clinic
How often should I get treatment?
Each condition or situation is different. It also depends on the severity of the condition. The best way to know for sure is to discuss this with your registered practitioner.
Can I claim Acupuncture or Remedial Massage on my insurance?
Yes! As long as your cover includes extras such as Acupuncture, Remedial Massage or Traditional Chinese Medicine, you can claim. If you have any doubts, contact your health insurance provider..
Can I drive after treatment?
In most cases yes! But this is assessed on an individual basis. Like any treatment, sometimes you just need to rest a while before driving. But if you are in doubt, don’t drive straightaway. Talk with your acupuncturist or therapist.
What if I feel unwell during my treatment?
At anytime during your treatment, you can request to stop. If you feel unwell or unusual, just tell your practitioner.
Your Well-being is Our Mission
Acupuncture | Remedial Massage | Traditional Chinese Medicine